Trinity Hall Squash Pool – 2007

The following people are interested in playing squash. Ring them up or email and challenge them to a game!

Get an idea of ability by looking at the results.

If you are part of Trinity Hall and want to join the pool, email arnoldbj. Email addresses should be completed with

Philippe de Schoutheete
Email: deschoup
Tel: 0857761668
Ruairi Cullinane
Email: cullinar
Tel: 0877653556
Chris O'Hara
Email: oharach
Tel: 0857841380
Brendan Arnold
Email: arnoldbj
Tel: 0879734890
Aaron McDaid
Email: mcdaidaf
Tel: 0857750686
Meabh Spillane
Email: spillam
Tel: 0871316672


Phillipe de Schoutheete vs. Brendan Arnold – 27/01/07
Phillipe won 4:0